Sahabhaav.. togetherness… A place where people live together under a roof, those who cannot help themselves, especially the elders. Of course it’s a paid facility but unlike many other similar establishments, value for money is ensured. What’s more, the person running the place is very much involved personally in its running, and open to suggestion. This open mindedness instils confidence in those committing their kin for care to this institution.
My experience with this place came about when my wife, an ex Mumbai Kar, now settled with me, in Kerala sought out a place for respite care for her sister in law, who after the demise of her husband was doing poorly, and had contracted COVID from where she was being treated for her ailments.
She needed supervised personal care and as there was enough wherewithal to meet day to day expenses, we decided upon Sahabhav, though reputed to be a wee bit more expensive than other similar places. Heartened by the positive demeanour of Dr. Mini who runs Sahabhaav, we took the plunge.
True to her word, the good doctor taking tips from us who are doctors ourselves, and in consultation with local experts, brought our cousin
to a semblance of health, during which time her oedema, and bed sores abated, and she started taking positive interest in life. A fine example of the caretaker’s optimism and positivity flowing into the receiver of care. She’d even gone out of the way to provide certain food items she relished prepared by herself, it’s reported. We also endorse her sincerity in keeping us abreast of her ward’s condition over phone and Whatsapp. And the involvement with which she undertook visits to consultants with the ward, as if that lady were her own relative.
We believe that all there get this 100%,personalized attention, which augurs well for those being taken care of at Sahabhaav, and for the institution itself. As promised, our cousin became fit enough, to travel to Kerala in about 2 months, the arrangements for which were undertaken by
Sahabhaav. What’s more she was sent chaperoned by a trained caretaker which laid all our worry and concern to rest. The icing on the cake was that we also came to share intimacy with Dr. Mini, a Keralite, by coincidence, something which is rare in these times when even intimate relations are becoming more and more commercial.
I think summing up I’d vouch for Sahabhaav a place that gives service value for every dime we spend, and maybe even more than that. I wish, that this oasis remains viable and vibrant under Dr. Mini’s warm personality.